Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The State of Public school integration Essay Example for Free

The State of Public school integration Essay Abstract The public schools, more than any other area of society, received the most attention concerning desegregation in the early 1950s. Fully aware that black had been admitted to white colleges and that numerous cases concerning the public schools were being argued in the federal courts, school officials in many parts. Brown vs. Board of education was the ultimate triumph that placed the rights of blacks before the law, on equal footing with whites. The story of Brown vs. Board of Education is a half-century old now and has been retold many times bye historians, legal scholars, sociologists, and others. A number of social forces during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s continue to shape school social work practice. The 1954 Brown vs. Board of education of Topeka, KS decision concluded that separate educational facilities on the basis of race are inherently unequal and unconstitutional. The State of public school integration In recent anthropological study of a California school, John Ogbu makes the point that relationships between the school and the community are sporadic and limited in scope. Parents and community involvement in the schools, he writes, normally mean participation in such extracurricular programs as PTA, open house, and social entertainments rather than more vital matters such as making decisions concerning the pattern: The extent of community participation or control over the schools may vary, but, in general, parents and other community members are content to leave schooling to the teachers and school administrators. (Fein, 1971). This traditional separation between school and community often breaks down, however, when the schools become actively involved in contemporary social and political issues. Large numbers of parents or other groups may not organize committees or attend meetings when a mathematics or history curriculum is on the agenda, but they are aroused when the topics for decision include drawing school boundary lines or busing pupils. School integration—the deliberate placing of previously separate minority and majority groups within the same school building—is surely the prime recent example of how social and political issues bring the school and its various communities into a more direct relationship. (Amir, Sharan, Ben-Ari, 47) Most of the literature tracing the response of local communities to school integration concentrates on the experience in the United States during the past quarter century. Social scientists have analyzed the complex processes that accompany integrated previously segregated Black and White schools in both the North and the South. Not surprisingly, these studies have primarily explored the political problems and processes arising from school integration. This point is emphasized in a recent study of integrated schools. Rist (1979) states: The most ambitious study along these lines is Crain and Associates monograph entitled The politics of School Desegregation (1968). Focusing on an entire city rather than a particular district or neighborhood, the authors analyze the complex interplay among civil rights advocates, boards of education, school officials, and local political and business elites in 15 U.S. cities, as they struggle and bargain with one another while seeking to implement (or delay) voluntary or court- ordered school desegregation. The authors conclude, for example, that school boards are more important than school superintendents in developing integration policies, and that the political style of the city and its elites is particularly critical. This emphasis upon political processes is also apparent in Gerard and Millers (1975) longitudinal study of the outcomes of Black—White school integration in Riverside, California. Hendrickss describes a rash of meetings, demonstrations, boycotts, and violent episodes (a school building was deliberately set on fire) that accompanied the onset of desegregation in Riverside. However, the Riverside schools were quickly integrated, and the demonstrations and meetings came to an end. Indeed, the Riverside case exemplifies rapid community acceptance and cooperation. (Amir, Sharan, Ben-Ari, 48) The New Millennium Atlanta led the way toward integrated schools in the early 1960s. Under Mayors Hartsfield and Allen, the Atlanta school board complied with federal mandates despite pressures from many in the state legislature to resist integration. In 1960, the general assembly gave some ground and appointed John A. Sibley, a prominent Atlanta businessman and civic leader, to chair a state committee to develop guidelines and more understanding on integration issues in Georgia. The Sibley Committee held numerous meetings during the course of a statewide canvass, and subsequently issued recommendations that Georgia allow local school boards to set their own policies and agenda for federal integration compliance. The effort to achieve integration was a gradual one, beginning with the admission of two African-American students to the University of Georgia in 1961 and the incremental integration of four Atlanta city high schools in 1961 and 1962. In 1963, local high schools, local high schools in Savannah, Athens, and Burnswick followed suit and began integration. Although the move toward compliance took almost a decade, by the early 1970s, public schools in Georgia achieved almost full integration. School integration and the gradual end of segregation in public facilities and accommodations brought a growing white-flight movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Huge numbers of urban whites in cities in Georgia and across the South moved out of the city centers and into growing suburbs. Atlanta was typical during this period. As metro Atlantas population passed 2, then 3, million in the late 1970s and 1980s, its central city population decreased. White migration to the suburbs created an unintended and unanticipated paradox in the march toward full school integration. Inner-city schools in Atlanta and other large southern cities came to have disproportionately high numbers of African-American students, while suburban schools were primarily white. The response to this emerging tend was the federally mandated school busing effort of the early 1970s. Students of both races were bused out of their local neighborhoods to schools in other sections as a most controversial aspect of public education during the period in Georgia and across the United States. Mandated busing to attain balanced public school integration began to subside by 1980, largely due to the overwhelmingly negative response by parents of schoolchildren of both races. The Case of Brown Vs Board of Education (1954): The Inequality of Separate but Equal This landmark Supreme Court decision was actually based on a consolidation of four similar cases from Kansas, South Crolina, Virginia, and Delaware. While they were based on different facts and local conditions, they were considered together because of the common legal question being considered. In each of the four cases, African American children were denied admission to state public schools attended by white children. This racial segregation operated under state laws that permitted or required by the practice. These laws had to that point protected been by the precedent of Plessy v, Ferguson. The schools for blacks and whites in each case had been or were being equalized in terms of buildings, curricula, qualifications and salaries of teachers, and other tangible conditions. The question before the Supreme Court was whether or not the segregation of black children and white children resulted in the children being deprived of the equal protection guaranteed by the fourteenth Amendment. A related question was whether or not the separate but equal doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson could be applied in the area of public education. (Meyer, Weaver, 181) The Supreme Court Rules on Brown v. Board of Education (1954) The event: On May 17, 1954, the United States Supreme Court declared racial segregation illegal in its landmark decision in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. For more than half a century, since its 1896 ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson, the high court had upheld as constitutional all separate but equal accommodations and facilities for blacks. Schools, public transport, restaurants, hotels, and other public facilities were rigidly segregated throughout much of the country, especially the South. Beginning in the mid-1930s, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) brought a series of suits against segregated school districts. In these early cases the Supreme Court ruled that because the tangible aspect of schools for blacks and those for whites were equal, the laws providing for segregated schools were constitutional. In the case of Brown v. Board of Education, however, the NAACP lawyers, among them Thurgood Marshall, presented expert testimony on the debilitating effects of segregation—testimony that proves to be extremely important in the courts ruling, which this time held that segregated school systems were inherently unequal because of intangible factors. (Axelrod, Philips, 280) Implication for school social works School social workers draw on a number of diverse roles and tasks to meet the unique needs of each school and the priorities of each building principal. Using the ecological framework as an organizing principle, these tasks include advocating for risk students and their families; empowering families to share their concerns with school officials; maintaining open lines of communication between home and school; helping families understand their childrens educational needs; consulting with teachers about students living situations and neighborhood conditions; making referrals to community agencies; tracking students involved with multiple agencies; and working with the larger community to identify and develop resources to better serve the needs of at-risk students of their families.11 Impact of the Brown vs. Board of Education upon the School social work was great. As a result, schools were faced with the daunting task of desegregating classrooms and educating increasing numbers of students whos lifestyle and language differed from the middle-class orientation of the school (Germain. 1999, p.34). At the same time, a flurry of federal educational legislation during the 1960s and 1870s significantly increased in federal governments role in public education. For example, the: Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibited discrimination in federally assisted programs based on race, color, or national origin, assisted school staff in dealing with problems caused by desegregation. Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), through Title I, authorized grand for compensatory education in elementary and secondary schools for children of low-income families. 1972 Education Amendment (Title IX) was the first comprehensive federal law to prohibit sex discrimination in the admission and treatment of students by educational institutions receiving federal assistance. Title IX also prohibited schools that were receiving federal funds from discriminating against pregnant teens and teen mothers. Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) covered students who have a disability and may need special accommodations but not special education and related services as specified in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Children with attention deficit disorder with hyper activity (ADHD) and students infected with the AIDS virus are often served under a 504 plan. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, enacted in 1974, provided federal financial assistance to states that had implemented programs for the identification, prevention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. A component of this act was the creation of the National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect. Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 provided resources to develop and implement programs to keep elementary and secondary students in school (Dupper 10). Focus on school social works responsibility to help modify school conditions and policies that had a detrimental impact on students by incorporating general systems theory and the ecological perspective as frameworks for social work practice (Costin, 1978). It was also during this time that group work methods were incorporated into school social work practice. However, despite this renewed emphasis on school and community conditions as targets of intervention, the vast majority of school social workers continued to focus on traditional casework models (Dupper 10, 17). Brown v. Board: The Ruling In the first three cases, black children were challenging ruling that denied them admission to white-only public schools. In contrast, the Delaware school system was attempting to regain such segregation. In each case, students had at one point or another been denied admission to schools attended by white children under laws requiring or permitting separate but equal segregation. The court ruled: Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law; for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group. A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of children to learn. Segregation with the sanction of the law, therefore, has a tendency to [retard] the educational and mental development of Negro children and to deprive them of some of the benefits they would receive in a racially integrated school system. (Brown v. Board of Education) (Meyer, Weaver, 309) As a graduate student completing the Master of Social Work degree at Tulane University in New Orleans, I had my first exposure to ADC. I had come to social work through entirely different routes and had no idea that welfare assistance, which we studied and researched, was synonymous for many people discussion; even poverty and disadvantage were rarely mentioned. The assumption appeared to be that all of that was behind the nation after the reforms of the New Deal and the economic development of the World War II and postwar years. But by 1960 and the presidential contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon, welfare had become a substantial public issue. Kennedy talked about poverty and welfare assistance in the presidential campaign. He focused on the great needs of West Virginia people and others in Appalachia. One began hearing discussions of Pockets of poverty, rather than hearing need addressed as a pervasive and national human problem. Kennedy also founded the Peace Corps, another effort that raised public consciousness about disadvantage and its consequences. Perhaps the most salient event that brought public attention to the problems of poverty was the publication of Michael Harringtons The Other America (1962). Harrington wrote that during the Depression, President Roosevelt spoke of a nation in which one-third of the people were poorly housed, clothed, and fed. But by the 1960s, he showed, one-fourth of the people were living in poverty. He said that the poor were isolated from people with power, which perpetuated their poverty. Their only contact with people in authority was with social workers who, Harrington suggested, also lacked power. So the roots of welfare reform are found in the early 1960s, and that is true for both sides of the welfare reform efforts—those who want to make welfare more generous and more humane for the recipients and those who want to reduce its availability and its generosity. Some observers might suggest that there were other factors operating in the origins of the welfare reform debates. Although the earliest proposals were those designed to improve welfare from the perspectives of clients, there was a consistent backlash, and the most global pro- client reforms did not pass Congress. Part of that backlash may have been correlated with the advent and growth of the Civil Rights movement. The Brown vs. Board of education school desegregation decision in 1954 spawned the grass roots efforts to end segregation in employment, housing, and public accommodations. Dr. Martin Luther King and many other African American leaders as well as civil rights organizations took various postures and strategies to end the separation and discrimination that operated from the end of official slavery until mid-century. One might speculate that the new concern about welfare was a surrogate for concern about civil rights. The disproportionately large percentage of African Americans who received assistance (although, like the whole population, the majority of recipients were and are white) seemed to serve as a way of criticizing minority group members without doing so directly.(Nackerud, Robinson 3) Conclusion Public school integration became an explosive issue in New Orleans because it forced into conflict both racial and class interests. The city was roughly 40 percent Catholic in 1950 and in 1962, some 39,000, or 47 percent of the citys white students attended Catholic schools. The city had well established private, Catholic, and public schools; all three systems were segregated. Although the quality of schools varied throughout the city, depending upon the affluence of the neighborhood involved, black public schools were acknowledged to be inferior to white public schools. Black children often attended schools on half-day platoon shifts in buildings that were dilapidated and in need of basic supplies. Black PTAs had protested these conditions throughout the 1950s, and the NAACP leadership hoped that school integration would equalize opportunities for the citys black children. But the public schools were the most vulnerable educational institutions in the city. Affluent whites preferred to send their children to elite private or Catholic schools, and ambitious black parents tried to educate their children in rather private institutions like Gilbert Academy, or in the black Catholic system. It was not surprising that working –class segregationists interpreted school integration as class exploitation and victimization in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Many went to drastic measures to avoid the loss of status that racial integration signified. In the fall of 1960, their collective actions included demonstrations, picketing, acts of terrorism, and boycotting of integrated schools. In 1956, Judge J. Skelly Wright rendered a decision on the Bush case. He ordered the OPSB to cease requiring segregation in the citys public schools with all deliberate speed. A lengthy series of appeals followed, while the school board and the state legislature sought to stall school integration. Reference Amir, Yehuda. Sharan, Shlomo. (1984). School Desegregation: Cross Cultural Perspectives. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher. Pg. 47, 48 Dupper, David. (2002). School Social Work Skills and Interventions for Effective Practice. Wiley .com Publisher. Pg. 13 Marger, Robinson. Nackerud, G, Larry. (2000). Early Implications of Welfare Reform in the Southeast. NY: Nova Publishers. Pg. 3 Meyer, G, Robert. Weaver, M, Christopher. (2006). Law and Mental Health: A Case-Based Approach. NY: Guilford Press Publisher. Pg. 307 Philips, Charles. Axelrod, Alan. (2004). What Every American Should Know about American History: 200 Events That’s†¦. US: Adams Media Publisher. Pg. 280 Rogers, Lacy, Kim. (1993).Righteous Lives: Narratives of the New Orleans Civil Rights Movement. NY: NYU Press Publisher. Pg. 50, 63

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program Essay -- Drug Abuse, D.A.R

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education program known as D.A.R.E has become a very widespread and popular program throughout the United States. The program appeals to all ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic lines, which is a large part of the reason why the DARE program has grown exponentially. The program’s basic premise was meant to introduce kids to the danger of drugs, before the drugs got to them. The implementation of the DARE program appeared to be what America needed to begin to put a dent in the war on drugs. Trained uniformed officers who introduce the program to 5th and 6th graders teach the program. The officers inform them about the dangers of all drugs from Tylenol to heroine. The program develops rapport between officers and students and teachers, which is another added incentive to the continuation and growth of the DARE program. The public also embraced the DARE program with open arms. Teachers, Principals, students, parents, and officers believe in the program adamantly. With all the accolades surrounding the DARE program, a three year study took place looking into the effectiveness of the program. The results gave us a very dismal outlook on the headway that was being made with this program though. The study conducted by the National Institute of Justice discovered that DARE does raise children’s self esteem, polishes their social skills, and improves their attitudes toward police. But the report also proved that DARE doesn’t have a measurable effect on drug abuse. America’s war against drugs took a blow with this study though. Students who participated in the DARE program were more likely to stay off of drugs while in the program and shortly after. However, the results showed that over the long-term... ...n still has a lot of room for growth. In the last couple decades we have seen many new drugs introduced into society. Which in turn, makes the idea of prevention a difficult subject. There is basically a â€Å"high† out there to fix nearly any ailment you have. And we are all affected by different ailments. The only way I see to slow down the drug addicted population is to begin at an early age as the DARE program does, however, the program should continue past elementary school. I understand you can only tell an individual about drugs so many times before it loses its effectiveness. But a long-term program that builds a strong moral foundation as well as treats these young students as individuals instead of a mass entity would allow for a holistic approach to prevention. This I believe is what it will take for long-term prevention to begin within our society.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Assignment Internal Cash Control Essay

The weaknesses in the internal control over cash disbursements are, there should be only one person in charge of writing the checks for each task, and there should be numbered checks for both people so that the funds spend can be tracked easier, the cabinets were the checks are stored should be two locked cabinets, one for each person who writes the checks. Memo: I would recommend that to have a better control over money paid and items purchased, that you start having numbered checks in two separate accounts, one account for the treasurer and one account for the purchasing agent. This method will make it easier for moth parties to avoid mistakes, and it will also be easier to verify money spent and received. P4-1A The internal control principles implemented by the Guard Dog Company are, numbered checks so that the company has a number trail to monitor cash dispersment. Each check must have approval from Jane Bell, and Dennis Kurt before a check can be issued, this is an establishment of responsibility to ensure that not just anyone ion the company can write checks. Checks must be signed by either Tom Kimball, the treasurer, or Karen Thews, the assistant treasurer. Before signing a check, the signer is expected to compare the amounts of the check with the amounts on the invoice, this is also a form of establishment of responsibility and both of these procedures are a use of documentation procedures. After signing a check, the signer stamps the invoice â€Å"paid† and inserts within the stamp, the date, check number, and amount of the check. The â€Å"paid† invoice is then sent to the accounting department for recording. By doing this it is a way of verifying company cash dispersment and documentation control. Blank checks are stored in a safe in the treasurer’s office. The combination to the safe is known by only the treasurer and assistant treasurer. By locking the checks in a safe it establishes responsibility for the checks, and uses a Physical, mechanical, and electronic controls to narrow down any check problems to one source. Each month the bank statement is reconciled with the bank balance per books by the assistant chief accountant. By doing this it establishes document control, this way any discrepancies in the amount paid can be verified. Indicate the weaknesses in internal accounting control in the handling of collections. The weaknesses in the handling of collections are the way the money is deposited, the way the checks are made out and the way the money is verified and deposited. P4-2A List the improvements in internal control procedures that you plan to make at the next meeting of the audit team for (1) the ushers, (2) the head usher, (3) the financial secretary, and (4) the finance committee. The improvements the ushers need to make is that after each offering they should individually count their own collected baskets and log there amount in an offering log book, so that there is less room for error in the next step. By handing all the baskets to the head usher without counting the money themselves, the head usher can offer any amount on his final deposit. The improvements the head usher needs to make is to make sure that each usher counts their baskets, and that the head usher counts all the baskets and checks for discrepancies to make sure that no one is pocketing any money. The head usher should also check the amount given to him/her against what is written in the offering log. Have a book to log the amount of money that is put into the safe so that it is logged in a way that can be verified by the committee, a note is not a safe method because it can be thrown out, by logging in a book it is easier to find were the discrepancies came from. The improvements the financial secretary should make is that he/she should have a list of what needs to be paid and make a log of the amounts that need paid and to make sure the receipts are logged along with whatever bills or services that needed to be paid that week. The financial secretary should also verify the amount of money in the safe against the log that is kept by the ushers. The financial committee should show a more detailed list of what expenditures are needed each month so that the financial secretary knows what is needed for payment that month. They should also be involved in verifying the churches income. To improve internal control the church should have a log for money received during offerings, they should tell the congregation to make the checks payable to the church or to the account holder that the checks are deposited into, because anyone can cash a check made out to â€Å"cash†. The church should also verify that any money not deposited from the offering was spent properly and not used for personal things. Include how a company could use the five basic principles of cash management to increase accuracy for a business. A company can increase the collection of receivables by offering incentives for quick payment from their customers. A company can delay the payment of liabilities and bills to close to the due date of the liability or bill, so that if any expenditure is needed before the due date they will not have spent the money too early. A company can keep inventory low on the merchandise that does not sell quickly, so that the company has money for the merchandise that is popular and selling fast. A company that wish to expand should wait until they have excess money in a slow season so that they can expand their business and have new locations open in time for their busy season. A company should invest money that is sitting idle into low risk companies’, the most common form of liquid investments is interest-paying U. S. government securities.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Impact Of The Auto Industry On American Culture - 894 Words

The auto industry has been around long before I was born. Automobiles have become a necessity in American culture. â€Å"With the invention of the automobile and the mass production techniques of Henry Ford, which made the machine affordable, the American economy has been transformed by this key element in its prosperity.† (Davis, 2014) Being able to transport quickly from one destination to another is a great convenience. Almost every working family living in the United States owns at least one vehicle. Global competition in the industry: There are many vehicle manufacturers throughout the world. A few common vehicles seen in my state are GM, Chrysler, Lexus, VW, Honda, Toyota, Ford, and Jeep. Each company tries to stay ahead of the rest. Toyota, based in Japan, for example was one of the first businesses to introduce hybrid vehicles. This was a direct result of the oil embargo. After having three oil shortages automobile manufacturers are creating more fuel efficient, environmentally friendly products. New technology: Tesla created an electric car which plugs in to recharge. Some people have even created their own grease powered car. The grease can come from fast food restaurants or any business that serves fried food. An infinite amount of features are now available in automobiles. From stereos which can act as your phone to Wi-Fi being built into the vehicle. Recently, vehicles can now come with a feature which parallel parks for you. Google even invented aShow MoreRelatedFord Pinto Paper1349 Words   |  6 Pagesleaders. In the late 1960’s the American auto industry was facing the large challenge of selling American made cars in direct competition with the dominating Japanese auto industry. The Japanese were beginning to outperform the United States auto makers, due to their smaller, fuel efficient and low-cost cars. 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